Condition evaluation adds certainty to a property’s life cycle management

Before planning a renovation, it’s always important to inspect the different areas of the building in detail. That is why we carry out thorough facade, window, stairwell and balcony evaluations in buildings.

We compose a well-founded report that is as clear as possible detailing the current state of the property, the measures necessary for renovation and a budget based on current information. The housing company and properties will also benefit from this report in long-term planning and managing the property’s life cycle.

Our references

Click to read more about our references.

Project developer services

We offer project developer services to the extent that the client wants.

Rakennuskonsultointi Treuthardt Oy

Pitäjänmäentie 15, 00370 HELSINKI, FINLAND
Tel. +358 (0)9 737 205

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